Tallinn Music Week
4—5 April 2025

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Keychange Manifesto 2.0: Rewind and Fast Forward

TMW Conference 2024

Bringing together the recommendations, advice and demands of Keychange artists and innovators for the first time, Keychange is happy to share the core values and recommendations formulated during manifesto sessions from 2020 to 2023. Manifesto 2.0 aims to highlight the areas that artists and innovators are calling for change within to help achieve the desired diversity, intersectionality and balance in the music industry.

Join us in this unique opportunity to find out more about what the music community is calling for.

Manifesto reading by: Katharin Ahrend, Poundo, Jonna Eve Eriksson, Tuulikki Bartosik, Aysha Hussain, Lea Karwoth, Caroline Wiesike, Filip Hiltman, Sarah Parisio, Madame Gandhi


  • Christina Hazboun, Keychange Project Manager
  • Sarah Parisio, Music Innovation Hub Project Manager
  • Caroline Wiesike, SACEM Project Manager
  • Filip Hiltman, Senior PR & Marketing Manager at Luger and Way Out West Festival
  • Kiran Gandhi aka artist Madame Gandhi